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About Us


Welcome to the Memorial Municipal Utility District (the "District") website. This website was constructed to keep District residents, directors, and consultants connected and informed. We have sections for contacting the District and/or its operator, area maps, a news section, monthly calendar, and more. Memorial directors welcome you to attend their meetings, all of which are open to the public, to hear what is going on. Learn more about us on our About page


We update our news section tab on the right quite frequently, so come back and take a look so you know what is going on in your District.


How It Works


Memorial Municipal Utility Distract is governed by five Board members who are elected by the registered voter residents within the District. Each Board member serves a four year term. The Board meets once a month to manage and conduct the business of the District. The District engages consultants such as attorneys, engineers, bookkeepers, and financial advisors to both guide and deliver the District’s services.​


Meeting Schedule


Public meetings take place on the 4th Monday of each month at noon at the administrative office of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 81, located at 805 Hidden Canyon, Katy, TX 77450, except in the months of November and December, when meetings are usually moved to the 3rd Monday due to the holidays.


Residents of the district have the right to request the designation of a meeting location within the district under Section 49.062(g), Water Code. A description of this process can be found here.


Confidentiality of Personal Information


Pursuant to section 182.052 of the Texas Utilities Code, customer information is confidential and is not shared, except as provided by section 182.054. If you wish to grant or rescind the use of your personal information to another individual or entity on your behalf, please visit the Confidentiality of Personal Information page.

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