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Public Meeting


You are welcome to attend the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors. All meetings are open to the public under Texas law. These meetings are normally held on the 4th Monday of each month at noon at the administrative offices of Harris County Municipal Utility District no. 81 located at 805 Hidden Canyon, Katy, Texas 77450, except in the months of November and December where the meetings are usually on the 3rd Monday.


What is the Open Meeting Act?


The Texas Open Meetings Act honors the principle that government at all levels in this state should operate in a way that is open and accessible to the people to view deliberations of elected officials. Texas law allows closed meetings in certain limited circumstances.


What is a Municipal Utility District (MUD)?


Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) are special-purpose districts authorized to provide water, sewer and drainage services and facilities, and recreational facilities to the District. MUDs are created either by the State Legislature or through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and run by a board fo five directors elected by voters in the District. The District was created by order of the Texas Water Commission (predecessor of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) on September 29, 1977 and has been serving the District since that time.



Why are MUDs created?


A MUD is created to finance, construct, and operate necessary water, sewer and storm drainage facilities to serve the District. The districts are created by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) or by the State Legislature and the city in whose boundaries or extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) the district lies must consent to the creation.


What is the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)?


The TCEQ is the environmental agency for the State of Texas. The TCEQ strives to protect our state's public health and natural resources. The TCEQ has adopted rules that regulate MUDs, including rules on the quality of water and the disposal and management of waste.


How can I pay my bill online?


Si Environmental, the utility operator for the District, has provided its customers with an online billing system. For more information you can visit our Pay My Bill page.

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